You can make a difference by making a small donation to us. Your support can make someone’s life better or can make our intervention more effective. Donation for specific intervention You can envisage a result and choose a geographical area, and we will plan the intervention together and deliver the result. Donation for the Organization Donate for enhancement of organization capacity and planning. The donation will be utilized for hiring new resources and establishment. Donation for the cause Donate our existing interventions, which will be utilized only for a chosen cause Please contact for donating :- We can receive funds in the following ways: PLAN Foundation Account No. 19710210000779 IFSC: UCBA0002060 BANK name: UCO Bank Branch: Sanjauli, Shimla HP Besides this, we receive books, materials, equipment, etc.
Donation for specific intervention You can envisage a result and choose a geographical area, and we will plan the intervention together and deliver the result.
Donation for the Organization Donate for enhancement of organization capacity and planning. The donation will be utilized for hiring new resources and establishment.
Donation for the cause Donate our existing interventions, which will be utilized only for a chosen cause